As I introduce myself to the creation of a Newel blog, I have one goal in mind and that is to create a forum for questioning and commenting on the antiques trade. As my industry has and is going through massive changes since I first started in the business, I feel that I have the opportunity to probe and question its practices and standards.
I don’t claim to be an authority on how one should run a business, but I will comment on the environment within which the antiques trade operates. I would expect to be controversial in my opinions and perspective and openly solicit comments as to what is right or wrong with my thoughts as well as adding a platform for anyone who wants to voice a point of view that can offer a reflective view of where the industry is headed or what can be done to improve it.
In short, this is my attempt to create a forum for change and awareness. The antiques and art world has had a rather stodgy, insulated image that I wish to puncture. With this blog as my vehicle, I hope to bring to light issues that the public and trade do not understand or would rather not confront.