As one of the essential senses like smelling roses, an unexpected visual experience can have a cathartic effect. I just experienced one of those occurrences, but in my back yard.
I’ve noticed that this year (at least in my area of North Jersey) the native rhododendrons are in an exceptional state of blooming. Everywhere is pink and white, as small pink “finials” open up into white, big puffy snowballs. The petals have the form of snowflakes. When I stared down my driveway, I imagined it was snowing, as the falling white petals had formed a snowy impression of the plant on the ground. This is seeing nature, the true creator of art and design.
What probably tripped my brain to this epiphany probably had to do with my doing a little research on a painting that I really love. I have to admit the subject matter was perfect; a nicely dressed young lady (circa 1890-1910) seated and holding a tennis racquet; a court was in the background. Looking at the painting, I enjoyed how the sport was depicted and the technical beauty of the artist. My rhododendrons could be in that painting genre. I also love sporting subjects in any form and I like to think I can still play, even with a bum knee.
Art is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Just like smell or taste, the positive experience is what we strive to remember. Antiques have such a quality, and it only gets better the more you understand them. They tell you of the past and they function for a reason; the level of quality and design can go from exciting to boring. In my business I get to see the rhododendron at work every day!