As a third generation antiques dealer, neither I nor any of the previous family owners of my business attempted membership in any prestigious associations with fellow antiques dealers. I certainly don’t want to think of dealers as a “bad lot” of gentlemen; maybe I wouldn’t make the grade too. However, it is the existing way they are organized that prevents dealers from being able to achieve goals with good aspirations.
Below I’ve compiled some position statements from leading art and antiques dealers organizations. They are all great objectives and need the united backing (for the benefit) of all dealers. Getting everyone under one roof sounds incongruous, but if the methods don’t match the goals, dealers should try to revamp them.
Bind their dealer members to adhere to reputable standards of quality and expertise
Facilitating the legitimate circulation of art throughout the world
Disseminating practical information on the art market
Proactively supports measures which aim to eliminate traffic in stolen antiques and works of art
Takes an active part in speaking on issues which impact the market sector’s economy
LAPADA (The Association of Art and Antique Dealers)
Works to maintain a flourishing art and antiques trade
Keep UK in the forefront of the international market
Vital to dealers faced with increasing national and European legislation as well as financial, regulatory and marketing pressure
Lobbies national and local authorities over current and proposed legislation to ensure that the interests of dealers, both large and small are considered at the highest level
BADA (The British Antique Dealers’ Association)
Set standard(s) for trading in the antiques business
ADAA (Antiques Dealers’ Association of America)
Dedicated to integrity, honesty and ethical conduct of the antiques trade
NAADAA (National Antique & Art Dealers Association of America)
Safeguard the interest of those who buy, sell, or collect antiques and works of art
To promote the best interest of the antiques and art trade
To promote the just honorable and ethical trade practices
AADLA (The Art & Antiques Dealers League of America)
Devoted exclusively to the best interests of the dealers and buyers of antiques and works of art
To dedicate itself to the study and the protection of the interests of the trade
To oversee the issues, propriety and development of the trade
Assist in trade developments with the rest of the world
Stimulating the art market
Safeguarding the purchaser of antiques
Assurance that the customer’s invoice will contain a fair description of the article sold
To inspire the public’s confidence in its members
Aim to bring antiques into the lives of everybody