It’s safe to say that the antique world is one of the most important things in my life. I grew up in beautiful San Francisco and was lucky enough to spend my childhood surrounded by beautiful antique pieces and artwork. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my mother, Candace Barnes, for that and quite naturally I began working at her antique showroom at a young age. During that time I developed the ability to not only move very heavy marble slabs but also perfectly hang any mirror or art, which I still pride myself on.
After graduating with an Economics degree I realized that the design and antique world was a fundamental part of me and something I will always need to be immersed in. I therefore began working at 1stdibs, where I worked in both dealer and advertising sales for close to 11 years. All of this led me to Newel, and I couldn’t be more excited to be here with this amazing team and surrounded by such beautiful pieces. It is a wonderful feeling when you are able to go to work each day knowing that you are doing what you love.
How do you define beauty?
On a personal level, I would say kindness. I believe it is the most beautiful trait that someone can have. On a design level, I am continuously drawn to Biedermeier pieces. On an architectural level, definitely Victorian. I grew up in a beautiful Victorian house in San Francisco and the attention to detail and history associated with that home will stay with me forever. (As a child I was actually helping my dad garden in the backyard and we uncovered an old well beneath a few feet of soil. After some research we found out that our house was where everyone from the surrounding areas went after the 1906 earthquake, since it was highest on the hill, and that well provided water to the entire community, which always makes me smile. As a side note, the house was also haunted and that ghost really liked to mess with me when I was young).
What’s your wake up and go to bed ritual?
To try to achieve both, because they don’t come naturally. Anyone who knows me is well aware that I am a night owl and not a morning person.
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
That I am genuine. And that I can parallel park like a champion.
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
All of the wildly mis-guided antics of my youth aside, I would say that deciding to leave my family and friends to move to New York from San Francisco. I can remember being on the plane and absolutely terrified but in retrospect, I couldn’t be happier that I decided to take a leap that led me to achieve my Economics degree at Columbia to working at 1stdibs to arriving at Newel.
How do you maintain a work/ life balance?
There is no need for one. I love what I do and therefore there is no need to adjust between the two.. although, there is an aspect of my life that needs constant maintaining and her name is Mango. (See photo below)

If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
One of the astronauts currently at the International Space station. That way I wouldn’t have to endure the pressure of the initial launch into space and could just float around and marvel at how beautiful this universe is and how lucky we all are to be a part of it.
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever, what would it be?
Zuni Cafe’s Riccotta Salata Pizza + their Caesar Salad + their Roasted Chicken (It’s more than one item but it’s worth breaking the rules for)
Are you a dog or cat person?
Definitely dog. Also definitely cat. So, essentially I am an animal person in general, with the exception of oppossums.
What is something you’re overly competitive about?
Playing pool. Also Dominos. Apparently anything that involves angles and/or math.
What’s your favorite time of day?
The moment in the evening when the sun goes down and the sky turns from a cerulean blue to an Indigo color.